Patient Information What To Expect

Your doctor's office will set-up your procedure appointment, arrange and advance exams and tests, and give you preparation instructions. To ensure we can complete your procedure when scheduled, it is very important that you follow all instructions. If you have any questions concerning these instructions, please call on your physician's office for clarification. Also be sure to notify your doctor of any changes in your health or if you've been exposed to any illnesses.

The day before your procedure, one of our staff will call you to confirm your appointment and give you some reminders for getting ready. We welcome and will be glad to answer any questions you might have about your Center visit and what to expect.

You will need to arrange for a responsible family member or friend to bring you to the Center for your procedure, to drive you home afterward, and to make sure that you have proper attention and care during your recovery.

The Day of Your Procedure:

  • If you take medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, or nervous disorders follow your doctor's instructions about these. If you use an inhaler, bring it with you at the Center.
  • You must have a responsible adult driver to stay with you at the Center and to drive you home.
  • Bathe or shower; if you wash your hair, make sure it's dry.
  • Dress in comfortable clothing.
  • Remove and leave jewelry and other valuables at home.
  • Bring your health insurance card and authorization number with you, a list of your current medications and dosages, a list of any drug or other allergies you have, any other papers and test results your doctors has given you.

We’re pleased that you are considering care recommended by your physician at the Center. Health services involve a partnership among patients, families, and health care providers. Each member of the partnership has certain rights and responsibilities, and the Center encourages respect for each individual’s personal preferences and values. When you are well informed, participate in treatment decisions, and communicate with your health professionals, you will maximize the effectiveness of your care.

Your acceptance of your doctor’s referral for treatment at the Center is voluntary. You have the right to obtain these recommended services from any facility of your choice. Every patient has the right to be treated as an individual with their rights respected. This facility and medical staff have adopted the following patient’s rights:

  • To be treated with respect, dignity and consideration in a safe setting, without regard to age, race, color, religion, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability or source of payment.
  • To be provided appropriate privacy and security of self and belongings during the delivery of patient care services.
  • To receive information from their physician about his/her illness, course of treatment and prospects for recovery in terms that the patient can understand.
  • To receive information about any proposed treatment or procedures as he/she may need in order to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment.
  • When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to a patient, the information is provided to a patient representative, surrogate or a legally authorized person.
  • To make decisions regarding the health care that is recommended by the physician. Accordingly, the patient may accept or refuse any recommended medical treatment. If treatment is refused, the patient has the right to be told what effect this may have on their health, and the reason shall be reported to the physician and documented in the medical record.
  • Participate in and make informed decisions about your care and pain management, including being able to request or refuse treatment and to leave the facility even against the advice of his/her physician.
  • To be free of mental and physical abuse, free from exploitation, and free from use of restraints. Drugs and other medications shall not be used for discipline of patients or for convenience of facility personnel.
  • Full consideration of privacy concerning his/her medical care program. Case discussion, consultation, examination and treatment are confidential and shall be conducted discretely.
  • Confidential treatment of all communications and records pertaining to his/her care and stay in the facility. The patient’s written permission shall be obtained before his/her medical records can be made available to anyone not directly concerned with their care. The facility has established policies to govern access and duplication of patient records.
  • Reasonable continuity of care and to know in advance the time and location of appointment, as well as the physician providing the care.
  • To be informed by his/her physician or a delegate of the physician of the continuing health care requirement following discharge from the facility.
  • To know the identity and professional status of individuals providing services to them, and to know the name of the physician who is primarily responsible for coordination of his/her care.
  • To know which facility rules and policies apply to his/her conduct while a patient.
  • To have all patient’s rights apply to the person who may have legal responsibility to make decisions regarding medical care on behalf of the patient. All personnel shall observe and respect these patient’s rights.
  • To be informed of any research or experimental treatment or drugs and to refuse participation without compromise to the patient’s usual care. The patient’s written consent for participation in research shall be obtained and retained in his/her patient record.
  • To examine and receive an explanation of his/her bill regardless of source of payment.
  • To appropriate assessment and management of pain.
  • The right to change providers if other qualified providers are available.
  • If you will need a translator, please let us know in advance and one will be provided for you. If you have someone who can translate confidential, medical and financial information for you, please make arrangement to have them accompany you on the day of your procedure.
    • Rights and Respect for Property and Person:

      The patient has the right to:

      • Exercise his/her rights without subjected to discrimination/reprisal.
      • Voice grievance regarding treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished.
      • Receive information on treatment and care.
      • Make informed decisions regarding treatment and care.
      • Security of self and property during delivery of care services.
      • Confidentiality of personal medical information.

      Privacy and Safety:

      The patient has the right to:
      • Personal privacy.
      • Receive care in a safe setting.
      • Be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.

      Have your compliments, concerns, complaints or grievances addressed. Sharing your concern and/or complaint will not compromise your access to care, treatment and services. Your concerns will be reviewed and you will be given a response to your concerns. You may initiate the complaint process and discuss your concerns with your physician or the Center’s Compliance Officer, Elizabeth Prior. You may report the complaint to:

      Elizabeth Prior, R.N.

      Rochester Endoscopy & Surgery Center

      1349 Rochester Road; Suite 150

      Rochester Hills, MI 48307

      (248) 844-3800

      Additionally, satisfaction concerns of Medicare patients may be directed to the Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman, whose role is to help Medicare patients understand their Medicare options and apply their Medicare rights and protections.

      1-800-MEDICARE (800) 633-4227) The website link is: Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman

      You also may express a complaint to State officials by toll-free telephone, FAX, mail, or by email:

      Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs

      Bureau of Community Health Systems

      PO Box 30664

      611 W. Ottawa

      Lansing, MI 48909

      Telephone: (800) 882-6006

      Facsimile: (517) 241-0093

      Advance Directives;

      You have the right to information on the Center’s policy regarding Advance Directives.

      The Policy of this Facility Regarding Advance Directives:

      Advance Directives will not be honored within the center. In the case of a life-threatening event, emergency medical procedures will be implemented. Every attempt will be made to stabilize and to transfer you to a hospital where the decision to continue or terminate emergency measures can be made by the physician and family. The State of Michigan has an Advance Directives Guide available to you upon request. The forms may be downloaded at

      If you have Advance Directives, you may bring them with you. In the unlikely event of transfer to a hospital, they may be honored at that time.

      Patient’s Responsibilities:

      • Provide the facility with current and accurate identification and health insurance information.
      • Accept personal financial responsibility for any charges not covered by your insurance.
      • Provide the facility with complete and accurate information to the best of your ability about your health and medications, including over-the-counter products, and any allergies or sensitivities.
      • Follow the treatment plan prescribed by your provider.
      • Provide a responsible adult to transport you home from the facility and remain with you for 24 hours, if required by your provider.
      • Be respectful of all the health care professionals and staff, as well as other patients.

The Center was established to meet the special needs of patients with gastrointestinal complaints or diseases. It is an “Ambulatory Surgery Center” specially designed for the practice of Gastroenterology. The physicians providing services at our facility are Board-Certified in Gastroenterology and our clinical staff are trained professionals experienced in caring for our patients. The mission of the Center is to provide quality care in a specialized outpatient setting.

Each patient will have our utmost careful and personalized attention. By law, we are required to notify you that some of the physicians performing procedures here have a direct financial interest/ownership in this center. In order to ensure that our patients understand their financial responsibility and our payment policies, we ask that you take a minute to read the following and discuss any questions you may have with our billing representative.

The fee that we charge for our services is intended to cover the cost of operating this facility including equipment, staff, rent, supplies, etc. You will also receive a separate bill from the physician’s office for their professional services, anesthesiologist for anesthesia services, and possibly the laboratory for any pathology services. The facility, anesthesia services, laboratory and physicians’ professional office are all separate legal entities providing separate and distinct services.

As a courtesy to our patients, insurance claims will be submitted on the patient’s behalf to the insurance company specified during the registration process as long as we have the complete name and address of the insurance company, the subscriber’s name, social security number and birth date, and the group number and any other required pre-authorization for the procedure.

All co-payments and deductibles will be billed by the Billing Department as required by the contract between the patient, the insurer and our center. Some insurers require pre-certification, preauthorization or a written referral.

If you are having financial difficulty or have any questions, please contact our Billing Office to discuss your account at (248) 844-4888.